About Us


From fresh soil to incredible oil #SoiltoOil

Whether you are here for the high or to experience something new, Kola serves up Michigan-made cannabis products that will impress your body & your mind.

Our plants are Sun-grown with passion while our products are Michigan-made with pride. Experience new highs with Kola Farms Concentrates, Edibles, and Flower.

Where it began…

Kola Farms started growing Premium Cannabis in 2020 and has continued to grow in popularity ever since. Our cultivation facility is in northeast Michigan a mile from Lake Huron. Farming and Cannabis have been a part of our lives for decades, so we decided to put the two together and cultivate superior marijuana products at our farm. Currently, we are growing over 70 different strains of cannabis!

Living and growing in Michigan has its challenges, so we take nothing for granted when it comes to the environment. We believe regeneration is key to maintain a natural and rich environment for our plants, so we choose to use regenerative farming practices like water conservation, animal integration, and no-till farming in our operation. A lot is left to nature at Kola Farms – only 15 of our 150 acres is used to grow our Cannabis plants so the environment remains bio-diverse and healthy.

Experience new highs with Kola…

At our processing facility, we have an experienced and accomplished extraction team to operate state-of-the-art equipment and advanced methods in Cannabis extraction. We perform Solventless and Hydrocarbon extraction when producing our products. For more information on these methods, check out our article Solventless & Hydrocarbon Explained.