WTH is THCA Crystalline?

Here’s our take….

All Solventless concentrates start in the form of Bubble Hash. Bubble Hash is the collection of resin glands or ‘trichomes’ that have been gathered from live plant matter. To learn more about how Bubble Hash is formed, scan the QR code to watch a quick video!

Kola Farms Solventless

Kola Farms Bubble Hash

THC-A is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis that is used to treat several health issues. Only when heated, it transforms into THC. The process of making THC-A Crystalline is a mutli-step process that uses specific heat and pressure until desired results have been achieved. This multi-step process includes ‘mechanical separation’ which eventually results in Crystalline.

Kola Farms Solventless Concentrates

The steps are as follows: Press Bubble Hash into Live Rosin. Live Rosin is ‘taffied’. Budder/badder is formed & pressed again. Mechanical separation occurs. Leftover is THC-A Isolate (powder) & terpenes (sauce). To create Crystalline, the THC-A Isolate is melted into molds.

Kola Farms Solventless Crystalline


Reach out to us anytime if you have ANY questions, we would love to help! [email protected]


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